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ShelterLife initiative is a community-based Non Governmental Organization (NGO) set up in 2010 with the sole aim of making life better by proffering solutions to social, environmental and health challenges. The membership of the organization is open to all people who have genuine interest to contribute to the development of communities particularly in the areas of health, community mobilization, economic empowerment, and education via promoting reading culture among vulnerable groups in the society.

The organization is registered with corporate affairs commission (CAC) with five (5) member board of trustee. The organization has a constitution, policies and guidelines that guide its operation. SHEIN is an organization headed by a board of trustee which is the highest decision making body. They meet monthly to deliberate on issues regarding the organization. The board also holds emergency meeting where necessary. The executive director who is answerable to the board of trustee is saddled with the responsibility of day to day running of the organization.

The organizational development advisor is saddled with the responsibility of providing useful advice on programs and projects. He/she takes orders from the executive directors. The finance and admin officer is saddled with responsibility of keeping and disbursement funds and internal operations. He/she also take instruction and reports to the executive director. The social and community mobilization officer is in charge of advocacy and group sensitizations. He/she also receives instruction from the executive director. The logistics assistant/store keeper/front desk is saddled with the responsibility of all meeting preparations. All the officers report back to the executive director.

The organization programs areas are as follows:

• HIV/AIDS awareness; HIV counseling and testing (HCT)and referral services; care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHIV); OVC support etc. The organization also intensifies HIV prevention activities beyond awareness creation through training of peer educators on minimum prevention package intervention (MPPI), STAR and interpersonal communication and the like

• Drum up support for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)

• Advocating for Peace and conflict resolution

• Promotion of reading culture alongside formation of readers and writers club as well as establishment of libraries

SHEIN’s core strategies include: research, community awareness and mobilization, advocacy, capacity development, economic empowerment and service provision.

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